Friday, May 28, 2010

Meal method to diet

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In raising the basal metabolic rate

It greatly approaches the dieting success.

For the dieting success

Breakfast is especially important in meal.

Intestines work when it neatly eats breakfast and coming out of the mail improves, too.

Doing the meal that was able to take the nutritional balance also

There is a diet effect.

Though the vegetable is necessary and indispensable

It is a question that eats only [katoittesore].

Be healthily and coming [no] dieting it earnestly without forgetting.

Because the protein is an important nutrient of the body, it tightly takes it.

Food that warms the one to cool the body

It seems to be good for dieting when bearing it in mind.

Therefore, for the dieting success

Soup is more effective than the vegetable juices.

After that, though the sweet one and sake are the points where I would like you to keep from

You need not become too nervous.

Not mentally putting the load too much either

Because it is a knack of making dieting succeed

It is a tolerance to some extent.


How Do You Boost PC Speed? The Most Effective Method to Accelerate &amp;amp; Optimize Your PC in Minutes!

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Are you wondering how do you boost PC speed and keep it from operating slowly and/or getting a ton of errors every time you turn your computer on?! Okay my friend, take just a few quick minutes out of your day to read this article here and learn more about the most effective method to skyrocket your computer speed and improve the performance today!

Listen, I know you want to get your computer fixed NOW, so I'm just going to get straight to the point - it all comes down to your Windows registry!

The Windows registry is a complex and space sucking part of the computer, BUT, it is extremely important. The registry contains several types of data from everything it is you do on your computer. This will include downloading, uploading, removing, installing, and so much more!

Guess what happens if the registry becomes too full or gets corrupted with some type of virus or spyware? That's right, your computer is going to begin to run slow, get errors, and so much more. Because the registry can not be turned off, then this problem is inevitable for anyone that has a Windows based PC.

However, there is good news. There are programs available that you can download which will firstly scan and then secondly repair your computer. By getting your registry cleaned, you will instantly boost PC speed.

Now, notice I said that there are programs available to repair your registry, right? Well, please take my advice and do not attempt to repair the registry yourself. This is a surefire way to cause unrepairable damage to your computer. This is because the registry is so sensitive and one mistake will have you out shopping for a new computer!

So, if you want your computer running more faster, I recommend you get a safe, reputable, and effective online registry cleaner to get your PC optimized in minutes.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Website Hack: Find IP Address of a Website

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Learn How to Find IP Address of a Web Site.

I've been posting a lot about IP Address Hacks on this blog, like How to Find The IP Address of An Email Sender, How to Hack Someones IP Address, How to Change Your IP Address and Surf The Web Anonymously, etc. Each Website on the Internet possesses at least one Internet Protocol (IP) address. Knowing a Web site IP address can be useful to determine its physical location, but this address is not automatically shown in Web browsers. So here i will show you how to find the IP address of a Website. Lets start.

Method 1:

Download Website Ip Finder Tool. Here you just need to enter in the desired website and the desired ip will be shown for few seconds.

Note: You can't close this app for some reason ( bug i guess ), but just end the process.

Method 2:

Now here is another method to to find the IP address of a website.

Open your Command Prompt (Start-&gt; Run, and here type cmd). Now type ping

Method 3:

There are many services on the net where you can get ip address of the website you want.



This tool will find out the IP address of a website as well as website's country (hosting location). This might be useful if you want to see where the server of your hosting provider is located. Some search engine results can be filtered by the geographical location of websites, so you might find out why your website is doing so well on some local searches.

There are some other methods to find ip address of a websites, but these three methods are easiest and most used.

Do you have questions, comments, or suggestions? Feel free to post a comment!


Website Hack: Find IP Address of a Website

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Experiment Extracting Windows Thumbnails (XP and Windows 2003 only)

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Windows thumbnails have existed for eons. But in all that time I never really used the windows explorer thumbnail view. Yes, pictures are nice. But invariably I found myself needing the detail view with its listing of file types, sizes and dates.

Well, this week I came across an old stackoverflow thread which mentioned a C# tool for reading and extracting images from the windows thumbnail cache (ie thumbs.db). At least on older XP and Windows 2003 systems. (Vista and later use a slightly different format.) While there are tools galore in this category, the idea of a small DLL that could be called from CF was appealing. So I decided to give it a quick whirl with CF8, under XP.

After compiling the source with Visual C# Express, I changed my explorer settings so I actually had a thumbnails file to test. Next, I created an instance of the ThumbDB class and initialized it by passing in the path my thumbnails database. Once initialized, I used the GetThumbFiles() method to grab an array of all file names within that database.

&lt;cfset util = createObject(".net", "ThumbDBLib.ThumbDB", "c:/test/ThumbDBLib.dll")&gt;
&lt;cfset util.init( "C:/docs/thumbs.db" )&gt;
&lt;cfset fileNames = util.GetThumbFiles()&gt;
&lt;cfdump var="#fileNames#" label="Top 25 Files in Thumbs.db" top="25"&gt;

Next, I selected one of the file names and used the GetThumbData() method to retrieve the image bytes. I was hoping to create a CF image object from the bytes and display it in my browser. But every time I called ImageNew(), ColdFusion kept complaining about my argument type.

&lt;!--- this does NOT work ---&gt;
&lt;!--- grabbing an arbitrary file from the listing for testing ...---&gt;
&lt;cfset thumbnailName = fileNames[1] /&gt;
&lt;cfset bytes = util.GetThumbData( thumbnailName )&gt;
&lt;cfset img = ImageNew(bytes) /&gt;

That is when it hit me. A byte in C# is not the same as byte in Java. Unlike Java, C# has signed and unsigned types. So where C# has two data types, sbyte (-128 to 127) and byte (0 to 255), java has only one, byte (range -128 to 127). So according to the data type conversion matrix, the C# byte array was being converted to a short array.

Thanks to a tip from, I added a new method called GetJavaThumbData(), which converts the C# byte array into one that is compatible with Java. Using the new method, I was then able to display the thumbnail perfectly.

C# Code:

public sbyte[] GetJavaThumbData(string fileName)
byte[] data = GetThumbData(fileName);
if (data != null)
sbyte[] jvData = Array.ConvertAll(data, delegate(byte b) { return unchecked((sbyte)b); });
return jvData;
return null;

ColdFusion Code:

&lt;!--- grabbing an arbitrary file from the listing for testing ...---&gt;
&lt;cfset thumbnailName = fileNames[1] /&gt;
&lt;cfset bytes = util.GetJavaThumbData( thumbnailName )&gt;
&lt;cfset img = ImageNew( bytes )&gt;
&lt;cfimage action="writeToBrowser" source="#img#"&gt;

It is worth noting the ThumbDB class also has a method named GetThumbnailImage(), which returns a C# image object. You can use its properties to display things like height, width, resolution. The class also has several methods for saving the image to a file. Out of curiosity, I tried several of the overloaded save() methods. But I only had success with the simplest form: I am not sure why. Though with CF's own image functions, they are not really needed anyway.

&lt;cfset img = util.GetThumbnailImage( thumbnailName ) /&gt;
&lt;strong&gt;Thumbnail: #thumbnailName#&lt;/strong&gt; &lt;hr /&gt;
Height = #img.Get_Height()#
Width = #img.Get_Width()#
PixelFormat = #img.Get_PixelFormat()#
Resolution = #img.Get_HorizontalResolution()# /

Supposedly the Windows API Code pack can extract thumbnails on later systems like Windows 7. If anyone has used it, or something similar, on Windows 7, let me know. I would be interested in hearing your experiences with it.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

49ers tried each possible method to convince voters to say yes

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The failure of Minnesota Vikings for losing a bid for a new downtown stadium inspired the San Francisco 49ers. They are not trying each possible method to convince the voters to say yeas for their proposal to build a new stadium in Santa Clara.

In fact, a new stadium seems to be an urgent thing for the 49ers jerseys, first to cite for the need of fans to watch football game live, second to have the right to host NFL games in future. It is no doubt not an easy thing to convince the voters, the state of the economy in California is the bait that the 49ers community gave to the voters, what's more, a full-time campaign manager and a full-time staff of six with scores of volunteers were organized just to convince the voters. So we can easily distinguish that how eager the 49ers community is, however, this is comprehensive.

However, the decision is on the hands of the voters, if the 49ers can't convince the voters, they could only find another way to solve the problem, and then Oakland should be their first chance.


I want to know that is there any possible method to access Orkut if it blocked at our server.?

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Hello friends, in our organization orkut is blocked at server. I want to know that is there any possible method to access Orkut in this situation. When we try to access it appears Access Denied.

I want to know that is there any possible method to access Orkut if it blocked at our server.?

please give me ten points

Reply:U just have to open the url:

It worked in my case. think it will help u too... Report Abuse


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Breakthrough Holistic Method to get pregnant quick

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Women who have small children will have a difficult time relating to somebody who is unable to have children. If you have never been able to get pregnant, then you may have a difficult time being around women who have children. A lot of women are born with all of of the eggs they will ever have, and the number of eggs rapidly depletes as women age. Women, who do not conceive naturally, can conceive artificially through in vitro process.

Get the Pregnancy miracle book and holistic method here now!

Infertile isdescribed as the inability of a husband and wife to get pregnant following a year of typical unprotected sexual intercourse. Regular intercourse would mean an average frequency of two times per week. Infertility affects one in seven couples and impacts both men and women. The most significant factor affecting a couple's fertility is the woman's age.

All-natural fertility treatment offers some amazing results in its capability to prevent miscarriages even in women who have a history of repeated miscarriages. Traditional Chinese Medicine emphasizes the harmony and equilibrium of the body system, inner spirit and outside environment. Traditional Chinese Medicine had proven to be extremely effective in treating unknown causes of male infertileity. The principle of Traditional Chinese Medicine in infertileity treatment works on conditioning the entire body for fertility, so the good benefit of the treatment will be apparent only after about a couple of months, which is enough time it takes for a sperm to mature.

Percentages are varying since multiple problems can exist in a couple. Understand more concerning infertileity treatments in our guide . Percentages are variable since multiple problems can exist in a husband and wife, and percentages enhance greatly with collaborative therapies between conventional and traditional Chinese medical treatments. The details are extremely important and not appropriate to each and every man or women.

Get the breakthrough Pregnancy Miracle holistic system and course here. Breakthrough Holistic Practices to end up with a healthy baby easily
