Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Power of Reading - one of the best way to improve your English

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The title "The Power of Reading" comes from a book by Dr. Stephen Krashen, probably the number one expert on language learning and language teaching in the world. He has done an incredible amount of research on the topic of learning languages.

I'm going to concentrate on just one particular idea that comes from Dr. Stephen Krashen and his research and that is the power of reading. Dr. Krashen did a lot of research about how do native speakers, and people learning foreign languages learn vocabulary, how do they get good grammar and how do they acquire excellent writing skills.

One of the most important methods is reading for pleasure. And if you learning English or any other language, that means reading a lot of easy books. It might be just children's novels. In other words we learn to read by reading. We learn vocabulary from reading. We learn a lot of our grammar from reading. We learn our writing skills from reading. Not by analyzing and studying grammar. Not be trying to memorize vocabulary.

It's the same for grammar. The best grammar have people who are just reading lots of novels. The readers have much better grammar than the people who are studying grammar from textbooks.

This is fragment from Dr. Krashen's book:

"When second language learners read for pleasure, they develop the competence they need to move from the beginning ordinary conversational level to a level where they can use the second language for more demanding purposes. Such as the serious study of literature, business and so on. When they read for pleasure they can continue to improve in their second language without classes, without teachers, without study. And even without people to converse with.

When we read we really have no choice. We must develop literacy. We rarely find well?read people who have serious problems with grammar, spelling and so on. They write acceptably well because they can't help it. They have subconsciously acquired good writing style as well as the conventions of writing. Our problem in language education, is that we have confused cause and effect. We have assumed that we first learn language skills and then apply these skills to reading and writing. But that is not the way the human brain works. Rather, reading for meaning, reading about things that matter to us is the cause of language development."

This article is about reading but, in fact, listening is the same thing. So when you're reading and listening a lot, that's the first step to improve your language skills. And you need to do so much of it. You've got to read and listen for pleasure, for fun. If you do that first, the grammar skills then come later. They come from the listening and the reading. The writing skills come from reading a lot. Your vocabulary comes from reading a lot and listening, too. Your pronunciation comes from listening a lot. It's the input that is the most important. And specific kind of input, it's got to be meaningful, real, enjoyable, pleasurable. So that's the power of reading.

If you like get his book. The book is called "The Power of Reading" by Dr. Stephen Krashen.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

New Stuff

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I'm writing a children's book.

I am organizing my life.

Caden has started standing on his own.

Bailey can count to 10!

I'm contemplating an attempt at gardening.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Method to Strength!

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Lets look at your strength. What areas of your personal program do you want to improve on in terms of your strength? For instance, do you want to increase one repetition maximum bench-press, the same with your squat, or perhaps you want to improve the number of push-ups that you can do. All of these are examples of strength and strength endurance!

If you want to improve any one particular thing it all has to do with manipulating the reps and the load. For example, lets say that you want to improve your one repetition maximum in the back-squat. For the sake of argument lets say that you can only do 150 pounds on the squat for a single rep. To get stronger you will want to get used to handling a slightly lighter load for about 3 to 5 reps.

So instead of going for broke with trying to lift the 150 lbs. then you simply lighten the load to around 125 or 130 lbs. to execute for 3 to 5 reps. Keep practicing with this weight until you can eventually do more reps. As you progress to being able to do 8 to 10 reps then increase the weight! Now go back to executing this new heavier load for 3 to 5 reps until you once again work up to 8 to 10 reps. You get where I'm going with this, right? By using this method to strength you will see your core strength, fitness, and overall power improve from manipulating the load!

Take the time to practice in order to get stronger. Remember that it isn't always about the weight as much as it is about proper technique. The simple movements and a sound technique can get you big strength gains!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at

To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:

I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!


New Method Could Revolutionize Dating of Ancient Treasures

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Science Daily

Scientists have developed a new method to determine the age of ancient mummies, old artwork, and other relics without causing damage to these treasures of global cultural heritage. Reporting at the 239th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), they said it could allow scientific analysis of hundreds of artifacts that until now were off limits because museums and private collectors did not want the objects damaged.

"This technique stands to revolutionize radiocarbon dating," said Marvin Rowe, Ph.D., who led the research team. "It expands the possibility for analyzing extensive museum collections that have previously been off limits because of their rarity or intrinsic value and the destructive nature of the current method of radiocarbon dating. In theory, it could even be used to date the Shroud of Turin." . . . .

Rowe and his colleagues used the technique to analyze the ages of about 20 different organic substances, including wood, charcoal, leather, rabbit hair, a bone with mummified flesh attached, and a 1,350-year-old Egyptian weaving. The results match those of conventional carbon dating techniques, they say.
