Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Unmasking The Largest Misunderstandings Concerning Mystery Method.

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By Mike Long

Mystery Method was created by is a guy called "the world's greatest pick-up artist" by the New York Times and who's instructed tens of thousands of guys on ways to date hot girls for years and years. Unfortunately for every honest fact about Mystery Method and it's astonishing tactics there are a number lies so chose to examine the facts. Mike Long has turned over nearly every stone and shares in this letter. For a all new 34-page video book with details from Mike Long and Mystery go here:

Here's a Mystery Method YouTube video: has exposed no stone left unturned investigation into Mystery Method and, Mystery who's been teaching pick-up for 15 years, has inspired hundreds and hundreds men an unusual method to enjoy relationships with pretty girls. We've helped thousands of individuals and received loads and loads of thanks. During our investigation into Mystery Method, our investigation unearthed that Mystery has 2 primary strategies that we think everyone will want to know. Here's the lowdown:

Targeting raising value is one important game plan Mystery Method uses that can appear self-evident but is actually very out of the ordinary because so often in social situations people are either meeting up with somebody or feeling a bit nervous. Because of that in most situations is most individuals aren't being entertained as much as it seems. Mystery points out you can use anything from teasing to spinning a girl like you're dancing in order to add value to the situation. The upside to be the life of the party. An easy path to provide value is using storytelling. Key to bear in mind is to share stories that subtly say valuable traits about you, like: you have women in your life. That is the biggest aspect about yourself you can share because women want what other women have. As in: beginning your story with I was out shopping with a couple of my girlfriends and... The point is to subtly imply you're preselected by women but not to jump up and down with excitement about it The key benefit in doing this is you lower the girl's guard. This is because it's important to share value, which differentiates you from everyone else. Another value to demonstrate in your stories is you're funny.

Another unusual Mystery Method tactic to begin a conversation with someone new is Direct ways of saying hello: Direct openers are where you convey interest right away... A classic example is: "You're the most adorable girl here." The lesson here is confidence so any pretty woman feels nicely appreciated so you start things very well.

What's similar in these two Mystery Method tactics is to distinguish ourselves because if women are interested in dating someone new it's because that girl isn't ecstatic with what she normally experiences. If we would like things to be different, then its best do something out of the ordinary. Though it may seem obvious it's usually the case that the majority of guys come across as nothing special instead of something special For more details about how to dress and how to bring the party up, and for other tips I've included a link below to a free resource with loads more.

About the Author:


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Analytical method to retail management

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One of the approaches of retail management. In this approach the retailer is a finder and investigator of facts: reducing, synthesizing, and dissecting facts in order to make decisions systematically. To make these decisions, the retailer uses models and theories of retail phenomena that enable him or her to structure all dimensions of retailing. An analytical approach usually results in a standardized set of procedures, success formulas, and guideline.


Eat More and Burn Fat: New Method to Lose Weight

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If you are eating right then your health will not have any issues but if you are all binging on wrong kind of foods like rice cakes and having unhealthy style of eating where you skip your meals just to prove that you have to lose weight then you are surely going to suffer from it. This is surely not going to work, that you skip normal meals and start eating all unhealthy food and it will just add on to your bad health by letting you gain more fat and hence gain more weight. So, here we will just discuss about some of the healthy and balanced food, which will surely help you to be fit and healthy from inside as well as outside. More you eat the foods, more healthy it is for you. This will surely help you to lose fat even if you are not at home. We will just have a look on these foods, which are beneficial for our health.

Tuna, which is great source of protein, is a great food as it has omega fatty acids present in it. Anything green is always good for you and it applies for green broccoli, beans, and salads. All the dark green vegetables are reported to lessen your appetite. This is yet another way that helps you to avoid excess eating. Another good food for your health goes in non-veg section and that is Lean chicken breast. This contains good amount of protein and is helpful in burning excess fat from your body. Fruits are always good for health and improving your metabolism. Be it apple, grapes, oranges, papaya or any other fruit. They tend to complete your appetite and not only improve your metabolism but also improve your skin texture. You feel the actual glow on your skin when you start eating fruits in regular basis. Fruits must be included in your daily diet.

Salmon is yet another diet that has good protein content and helps in burning the excess body fats. Yogurt is one thing that most of the people like to have with their dish. It is not only helpful in burning fats but also helps you in making your teeth and bones string and healthy. You should try to have low carb and sugar free yoghurt and these are beneficial for your body. There is some other yoghurt that is loaded with sugar so try to ignore those.

Apart from this, food chart that would be helpful in giving you good health and losing your weight, some other things can be added to this list. One such thing to be included in your regular routine is drinking lots of water, as it acts as a source that keeps your body cleansed from outside as well as inside. Having cold water is good because it has been seen that cold water tries to make your metabolism healthy enough to digest any food. It is also said to be very good for your heart.

So, eat healthy and balanced food and see the difference in yourself within few days.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

How And Where To Host Your Videos

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YouTube, LLCImage via Wikipedia

There are many reasons why you would want to host a video - multimedia advertisements, pod-casting, hosting a fan-subbed video, or any other reason. Whether you simply want to host a video for your friends to download, stream a video to share with others, or simply remotely host a video for your website, there are many places which you can get this done.

Which method you will use to host your videos online and which provider to use really depends on what is the purpose for video hosting.

For example, someone wanting to host a fan-subbed video or a video to share with the general public may want to use the various online streaming video hosts such as Veoh, Megavideo, Youtube and other similar providers. These websites allow you to host the video online and other people can stream the video from there.

This gives you a larger audience because there is no need for people to make unnecessary downloads for them to see the video. It also has a large community that browses the websites regularly so you are sure to get the publicity that you need.

The disadvantage of using such a medium would be the poor quality of the videos hosted. The videos hosted on these streaming websites would usually be of a poorer resolution and the size of the video is also smaller than normal videos.

Another option would be to host a video for your friends to download via providers such as RapidShare. While this method will not get you a lot of viewers for the video, and you need to tell people the URL of the video file for them to download the video, it allows you to preserve the original state of the video. The resolution and size of these videos tend to be better.

A variant of using such a method to host videos would be to use Bit Torrent networks to host your videos. You can allow people to download your video via Bit Torrent and you do not need to host the video anywhere as it is hosted on the computers of the people who belong to that Bit Torrent network. This may be a good option especially if you want the large scale viewer-ship that Bit Torrent offers.

If you are simply hosting a video remotely for your website to link to or stream from, you may want to explore using web hosting to host your video. The web space that is usually allocated with each hosting plan will usually be sufficient for this purpose. However, if you are subscribing to a cheaper plan or if the space is insufficient, you may need to host it elsewhere.

There are providers which allow you to host video files remotely such as FileAve and FlickCabin. These providers let you host your files on their directories and you can then hotlink to the videos from there. This not only saves you bandwidth but also lets you upload files simply and easily.

Once again, the choice for video hosting providers would ultimately depend on which purpose you are using it for. Picking a suitable provider to match your purpose is very important; otherwise you may have to make various adjustments later on, which would be a huge waste of time and effort.


Scientific Method vs. Love

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When you are a scientist, the way you analyze an experiment tends to be the way you analyze the world. You can't help it. That is the way your brain works. I would argue that my neurons have been firing this way long before I took my first science course. I am analytical and logical. I make many observations before coming to opinions. I crave the facts. I need the evidence. I was applying the scientific method to explain the world around me before I knew that such a thing existed. Yes, taking science courses will strengthen these traits. But, it wasn't science that made me this way. Rather, my brain happened to be wired in a way that made me a good candidate for pursuing science.

My point is that I tend to automatically apply the scientific method to EVERYTHING in my life. Life is much more complex than a lab. And by life, I don't mean cells. I'm talking about our daily interactions with other humans and all the messy emotions that come with being human. Life is complicated and there are a zillion variables (more, I'm sure). Science can explain quite a bit about our lives, but then there are those abstract, hard to explain concepts that really can't be completely explained by science. Say for instance�.LOVE. I mean, what is love? Now there is a messy, complicated subject if I ever heard of one. First of all, love has so many different definitions. Let's focus on just one type of love: the love people have for their romantic partners.

My rational self wants to say that love doesn't exist in the way that most humans believe it to exist. Love is just a term that was created to describe the release of euphoria inducing chemicals in the brain upon partnering with a sexually attractive mate. Our society makes us believe that we are supposed to go out in the world as adults, fall in "love", and then commit ourselves to the love of our lives forever. That makes no sense. Most animals are not monogamous and it sure doesn't appear that humans were designed to be that way. Monogamous relationships, marriage, life partnerships�.. these are all things that seem to go against our biology. I say: down with love. At least, that is what I tell myself.

Then there is the part I can't explain with science: all the knowledge in the world doesn't make me stop wanting someone to love me and me only. If men are programmed to go out and spread their energetically inexpensive genetic material and women are programmed to go through lots of men in order to find the best genes to pair with their energetically expensive genetic material, then why don't our emotions match our biology? Is it because we believe in a fantasy and are continually disappointed when the fantasy doesn't work out? If this is the case, then why does someone like me, someone who "knows the truth about love" still find themselves feeling love or feeling pain and hurt when their partner is not monogamous? I mean, how is loving someone so much that you would take a bullet for them evolutionarily advantageous? It's not.

I've decided that maybe love is something that the scientific method should not be applied to, for the sake of my mental health. I guess even scientists need that fluffy, abstract, strange concept we call love.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Method to hasten discus breeding

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Method to hasten discus breeding

Good food of high nutrition

Feed your fish with perfect food that consists of good nutrition.

They also consist of minerals and vitamins to hasten their growth.

In order to have the above minerals and vitamins you will have to prepare your own food - Discus Burger

Natural live foodWild discus in rivers take natural food. They grow well and breed.

However, discus breeders do not totally rely on the natural food to feed their fish. The main diet for their discus is not natural food but discus burgers instead.

Live food like worm, daphnia, larva or bloodworm is excellent for the discus but they do have endless problems. They carry bacteria and parasites that will kill your fish.

In cities, it is not possible to have this natural food constantly supplied daily. So, besides feeding your discus fish with burger as main diet, it is necessary to feed them with natural food as a

supplementary diet.

How to pair them up?Keep a few discus fish in a community tank, putting strains that you want to breed. Feed them heavily with live food. They should be fed at least twice a day. Change water after feeding.

Maturity (when they are ready to breed)

When they are at the age of eight to twelve months old, they are more or less mature. Observe them closely. They will start looking for their partner.

Hiding at the corner When you notice there is a pair of discus hiding at the corner, chasing others away and guarding their territory. This is the pair of fish that you are looking for.

If you notice them chasing one another, find out which two always stays together. They often keep themselves at one corner.

Guarding &amp; cleaningThe pair will guard their territory and start cleaning the area to get ready for spawning.

Breeding tankPut the pair in the breeding tank. They prefer a place where it is not too bright, light traffic and activities. Use right pH to stimulate them. Adjust the water slightly soft and acidic. Soon they will spawn after they get use to the environment.

Eggs laid at the bottom of the tankIt is normal. Do not panic. There is nothing wrong. That is the location that they find suitable. Leave it as it is. It could be the sides of tank is full of algae. Anyway, they are laying the eggs, not you :)

Cover the eggs with an iron mesh. Iron mess is a tool that helps prevent the eggs from being eaten up. Cover the eggs then they are safe.

When eggs hatches .... Once they have laid the eggs, they will take turn to care for their eggs. They will fan their eggs with their fins.

What you have to do now is as follows:

  1. Monitor the temperature around 28 to 30 degrees C

  2. Apply Methylene Blue to protect the eggs from preventing fungus to spread

  3. Keep the water clean. Water can be partial changed. ( � )

  4. From then onwards you can follow additional discus breeding info


Review of The Babywise Method

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Weekly Trip to the Library for Nannies and Au Pairs

The Babywise Method On Becoming Baby Side: The Classic Sleep Reference By Gary Ezzo

This book has become very controversial with a concern among pediatricians that this method outlines an infant feeding program that has been associated with failure to thrive (FTT), poor weight gain, dehydration, breast milk supply failure, and involuntary early weaning. But, the techniques are widely liked so we will explain them here. Click here to see an article by Mathew Aney, M.D. that outlines the concerns.